Sunday, May 18, 2014

Veggie Lunch

Fiddleheads are an amazing food. They're the blossoming young fern plant. They are only in season for a few weeks each year. If you are lucky enough to see them in the store buy them up - and fast! They taste like buttery greenbeans mixed with asparagus. As soon as they are out of season they're actually terribly poisonous, so never buy them if they aren't all currled up like this. 

Fiddlehead ferns 
Shitakii mushrooms 

Today is a nice day, so after my run I dedcided it was time for a nice sautéed veggie plate. I individually sautéed the asparagus, fiddleheads, and mushrooms. I used less than a tablespoon of olive oil to sauté and I made sure to salt and pepper each ingredient. After I took them out of the pot I set them on paper towels to help absorb the excess olive oil they soaked up. The hummus on the bottom helped contrast the harsh green flavors of the asparagus and fiddleheads. Remember to remove your stems from the shitakii before sautéing them. 

Do NOT throw away shitakii stems. They are so full of flavors, but to fibrous to eat. So what do we do with them? We use them to make mushroom broths. Simmering them in some water with onions for a few hours leaves a beautiful rich earthy flavored broth that you can use to make soups or rice or whatever you'd like!


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