Friday, August 1, 2014

Morning Tea

Tea is very good for you to drink in the mornings because it helps to rev up your metabolism (thank you caffeine). 

Mine is a fun mixture that I make myself! 
1 part green tea leaves
1 part jasmine buds 
1 part dried goji berries 

The green tea is mostly for the caffeine and to boost yourmetabolism, but the jasmine might surprise you. Jasmine tea has been know to have the following health benefits: stress relief, high in antioxidants, reduces cholesterol, release of fat from your cells, fights bad bacterias, reduced your chances of getting the flu or a cold, regulates insulin production (fights diabetes), and regulates blood circulation.  

Goji berries have been used in Asian medicine for over 5,000 years. It is a vegetarian total protein, packed with amino acids and rich in vitamin A. They have over 20 trace minerals and vitamins. They have been wildly accepted in Asia as a premium superfood that not only enhances health, but increases your daily energy. 

On occasion I add a tablespoon of honey or a squeeze of some lemon. When I ice it on hot days I typically add both. 


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