Sunday, July 27, 2014

Waffle with Banana and Honey

Waffles: delicious, filling, and hearty. This waffle is healthier for you than most. Maple syrup isn't bad for you, but it is honestly harder to find than you'd think. Next time you buy syrup look at the label. If high fructose corn syrup is the first, second, or third ingredient then think before buying it. Those commercials in which high frustose corn syrup is made to look as good for you as any other sweetener is not remotely accurate. "Sugar is sugar, your body can't tell the difference," - I'd like to call bull on that. Just like not all fats are created equal (avocado vs pork fat), neither are all sugars. Honey and pure maple syrup are the best sweeteners for your body. 

1 cup flour (whole wheat/grain is best)
3 tablespoons almond flour
1 tablespoon flaxseeds (I used flaxseed flour) 
1 tablespoon vanilla 
1/2 cup fat free milk 
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon baking powder 
1/4 teaspoon baking soda 
1 tablespoon whole oats 
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Banana compote:
1 banana, sliced 
3 tablespoons honey (I used raw honey) 

Toss together your dry ingredients in a bowl, and your wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Mix together and allow to sit at room temperature for about 5 minutes. If you think your waffles are not liquid-y enough add another 1/4 cup milk. 

Slice your bananas and place them into a pot with honey. Using high heat allow the mixture to bubble and boil for a few minutes, infusing the banana flavor into the honey. Turn heat off. 

Place waffle batter into the iron and cook to the desired texture. Lay the banana and honey mixture on top and enjoy! 

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