Thursday, April 17, 2014

7 Whole Grain Soup

For this recipe I used the kashi 7 whole grain pilaf packages. Inside are the following grains: buckwheat, triticale (cross between durum and rye), rye, hard red wheat, barley, oats, brown rice, and sesame seeds. 

1/2 package kashi 7 whole grain pilaf 
2 cups chicken stock 
1/2 tofu block (diced medium)
1/4 cup spinach 
1/4 cup escarole 
8 shitaki mushrooms 

Separate the stems from the tops of the mushrooms. Add the stems to the stock along with the grains. Cook about 8 minutes on simmer. Remove the stems then add the tops after cutting them into quarters. Cook about 4 more minutes. Add the escarole, tofu, and spinach and simmer for about 4 more minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 

Easily reheated, this soup is hearty and filling. 


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