Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Artichoke Spinach Hummus Tofu Sandwich Bites

First let me warn you: these little pretzel bites are highly addictive. Fun to eat as a snack, as an appetizer, or as a small lunch, these bites are super cute and super delicious! 

1/2 can chickpeas
1 tablespoon tahini 
4 artichoke hearts (Canned is easiest) 
1 handful spinach leaves 
1 tablespoon roasted garlic purée (see previous recipe) 
1/2 fresh lime, juiced
1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme, chopped 
Olive oil to consistency 
Salt and pepper to taste 

To make the hummus you take a can of chickpeas and rinse them. I only made half of the can because it makes a lot of hummus. Purée the spinach, chickpeas, Artochoke hearts, lime, roasted garlic, and tahini. Continually drizzle in olive oil until the blender is running smoothly. Make sure your texture is smooth and silky. Taste your hummus and add salt and pepper to taste. Your hummus will appear a pretty bright green for the first few hours, but will turn a dull green by the next day. The color won't effect the flavor, but for appearances you might want to use it the same day you make it. 

The tofu I lightly seared in some olive oil that is infused with garlic. The garlic just brings out the flavor of the hummus. Remember to salt and pepper your tofu on both sides to add maximum flavor! I like to serve these while the tofu is still hot, so the hummus heats up nicely. You can eat them cold as well, but I find the tofu lacks flavor. 

On a side note: I have served these without tofu before. Another version of these have a goat cheese and feta crumble on top! These I pop in the broiler for about 3 minutes until the cheese is warmed and gooey. Feel free to use your imagination for this recipe. Be your own cook! 

Enjoy ! 

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