Monday, March 31, 2014


Okay, before you talk yourself of making this: there may be a bunch of steps, but I promise it is as easy as any other dish on here. And yes: there is a lot of butter involved, but most of it melts off as we cook the puff pastry. 

1 package of philo dough 
1/2 pound butter 
1 small onion, minced 
4 cloves roasted garlic, chopped roughly 
1 bag spinach 
1/2 tofu square, small dice 
1 oz. cream cheese
1/2 cup feta cheese, crumbled 
2 large leaves kale, minced

Melt butter and season with salt and pepper. Take onion and sauté in a pan with some olive oil and salt and pepper. Toss your tofu in olive oil and salt and pepper. Roast in a 400 degree oven for 10 minutes - just to remove the excess water. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and drop all of the spinach. Cook for 2 minutes and rinse in cold water. Squeeze excess water from the spinach so your mixture isn't watery. Chop spinach roughly and toss with roasted garlic, feta, cream cheese, tofu, onions, kale, salt&pepper.  Taste and make sure your seasoning is good. 

Take a layer of philo dough and brush with butter. Place another sheet on top and brush with butter. Do this until you have three sheets, all layered with butter. Cut the sheet in three length-wise. Place a triangle of spinach on the corner of the sheet (see photo). Flagfold them until they are totally wrapped. Coat in butter. 

I make a lot of them at a time and place them on a sheet tray. I freeze them and put them in a bag after they are frozen. I pull them out one at a time to cook in a 450 degree oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. 

Chicken and Egg Salad Sandwich

1 hard boiled egg
2 tablespoons chickpeas 
1 kale leaf 
1/2 small grilled chicken breast 
1/4 teaspoon garlic paste
Salt and pepper to taste 
English muffin

Grate the hard boiled egg using a small grater. Take a small piece of grilled chicken and shred into small pieces using a fork. Mix together chicken and eggs and toss in some chickpeas. Mash in the roasted garlic purée. Chiffonade kale and mix into the salad. Season with salt and pepper. Serve on a toasted English muffin or hard roll. 

Spaghetti Squash

1 spaghetti squash 
2 cups beef broth
12 grapes 
Water - as needed

First cut the squash into pieces. Remove the seeds. Place in pot with beef broth and water - enough to cover it. Simmer until the squash is tender (about 10-15 minutes) remove the squash and use a spoon to peel it away from the skin. Try and remove it carefully, so that it keeps it's spaghetti appearance. Cut the grapes in half and add them to the liquid. Reduce until you only have about 1/4 cup left of the liquid. Pour the juice over the squash and serve warm!

Spaghetti squash is one of my favorite vegetables. Bland as it might be on its own - it soaks up flavors like a sponge. Cook it in any flavor of liquid and it will taste like that. I once had a chef cook this squash in cinnamon sugar water and he ended up making a fabulous dessert with it! I used liquid that I had on hand from braising short ribs, which made my stock creamy and thick. 

Steel-Cut Oatmeal

This is a delicious, but massive breakfast. I could only eat about half of it, but if you are working out hard after breakfast than this is what you want to eat.

1/2 cup steel cut oats
1 cup water
1 teaspoon honey 
1/2 cup halved grapes 

Be patient with the steel cut oats, they take much longer to cook than rolled oats. Keep the heat on medium - if you have it on high it will boil over. Add water, honey and oats to the stove and cook until most of the water has evaporated (10-20 minutes). Garnish with grapes and enjoy!

Steel-cut oats are less processed than rolled oats. They are pretty much the same as rolled oats in nutritional information, but they have a higher fiber and lower glucose level. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Vegetable Medley

Green vegetables are always a must for dinner! Green beans mixed with sautéed mushrooms and roasted garlic makes for a tasty side dish. Make sure you sauté each vegetable separately because they all cook at different rates. 

Roast your garlic exactly as in your roasted garlic purée, except no puréeing !

Roasted Cauliflower

Cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables to cook. It's so simple and takes very little effort. First you separate the head into pieces. Toss in olive oil and season with salt, pepper, papricka, garlic power, and a dash of cayenne. Roast for 20-30 minutes in a 400 degree oven until golden brown. 

In addition to having a bunch of vitamin B's, cauliflower is full of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin K, vitamin C,  manganese, protein, phosphorous, and potassium. Powerful antioxidants are always good to add to your diet. This vegetable has been proven to assist your liver remove toxins from your bloodstream. Additionally, it is a natural anti-inflammatory, which is always helpful. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Peel potatoes and toss in olive oil with salt and pepper. Bake at 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Top with some fleur de sel salt and enjoy warm! 

Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin B6, a good source of vitamin C, helps produce collegen which helps skin appear more youthful. Sweet potatoes contain iron and vitamin D. They are also high in magnesium, which has been related to stress relief. They help in our energy levels and have been proven to support white blood cell production. 

Chickarina with Flare

I love chickarina soup -  however I am hesitant to eat any meat that comes out of a can. My miniature poodle, Bella, loves to eat the meatballs and chicken bits that come in the can. Removing the meat leaves it protein-less. 

I add a dash of papricka and chili power, some chopped onion spice and pepper. I also add a handful of chickpeas and two slices of cubed tofu. The tofu quickly absorbs the flavors of the chickarina broth, and tastes delicious ! This meal isn't exactly "vegetarian" because it is in a chicken broth, but it's a healthier option for blood pressure and heart health. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tofu Avocado Sandwich

Toasted English muffin
2 slices firm tofu 
1/2 avocado
1/2 lime
1 small tomato 
Salt and pepper 
Olive oil 

Sauté tofu in some olive oil after sprinkling paprika and salt and pepper on it. Mash avocado with lime and tomatoes and season to taste. Place all on English muffin and enjoy !!


After you wake up you're supposed to have breakfast. It helps to jump start your metabolism and wakes up your brain. The best things to juice in the mornings are detoxifying fruits and vegetables. 

1 grapefruit 
1 Granny Smith apple 
1 tablespoon chia seeds 
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 

Apples are packed with nutrients from their vitamin, mineral, malic acid, and fiber content. They contain detoxifying agents and help to aid digestion. Apples have been proven to lower cholesterol and improve the condition of your skin. 

Grapefruits are stuffed with vitamin C, which is good for your immune system. The pith has bioflavonoids which is a powerful antioxidant, so I don't peel my pith off when I juice it. 

Cinnamon is used to treat muscle spasms, diarrhea, infections, the common cold, and lowering blood sugar. 

Chia seeds I have mentioned before, but I will reiterate again. They are full of fiber and help with feeling satisfied. The little seeds have been linked with improving brain functions - specifically those tied to memory. 

Drink your juice and know that it's doing some good in your body!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Seafood Risotto - lactose and gluten free

No heavy cream or milk needed!! This is a filling dish, bursting with protein. 

1 cup arborio rice 
1 live lobster 
6-8 scallops 
3 fresh squid (cleaned)
1 gallon water 
1/2 stick butter 
1/2 can chickpeas 
Salt and pepper 

So I use whole, live lobster for one reason: I want their shells to make myself some lobster stock. I take the lobster and cut it in half down the center. Place it on a cookie sheet with a tiny drizzle of olive oil. Broil the lobster until the meat is cooked - about 6-10 minutes depending on how hot your oven is. Remove the meat and place in the refrigerator for later. Make sure your meat is in bite size pieces. Take your shells and add them to about a gallon of water. Simmer the lobster shells for about 2 hours, in which time you should be left with about half a gallon of stock. 

Strain your stock and keep warm on the stove. Season your stock as though it was a soup, with salt and pepper. Add the chickpeas to your stock and purée until smooth. Chickpeas have a lot of protein, and the starch in them make the dish appear more creamy, without ever having to use dairy. Place your rice in a pot and add 1 cup of stock. Stir your rice as you cook it, making sure it does not stick to the bottom of your pot. If it starts sticking, don't panic, just switch out your pot for a new one. When there is little liquid left add another cup of stock. Your ratio should be for every one cup of rice use about four cups of liquid. 

While the rice is cooking sauté your scallops in a separate pan. Make sure to salt and pepper the scallops before you cook them. Wait until it is golden on one side before flipping it over. When they are ready set aside. 

Take your squid and cut into thin circles. Squid cooks incredibly fast, so make sure you are all set to go before you add it to the rice. Toss the squid and butter(cubed) into the rice and stir continuously. After about a minute and a half toss in your lobster meat. Mix until everything is warm and serve. 

I like to keep the scallops separate because they tend to get chewy and tough if they are overcooked. They look more appealing when they are browned on each side, so keeping them separate is more beautiful as well. You can garnish with tarragon or parsley, or serve plain, as I have photographed. 

Serves about 3 people. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Protein-Packed Vegan-Friendly Roasted Salad

Vegan food is not always bland and flavorless. This meal is entirely flavorful and completely vegan. Roasted chickpeas, tofu, artichokes, and spinach is filling and healthy, while still satisfying you for hours. 

1/2 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 
2 artichoke hearts, cut into 4 or 6 sections each 
1/2 slice of tofu, cubed
7 leaves spinach, chiffonade
Paprika, salt, pepper, olive oil, roasted garlic purée - to taste 

Toss all ingredients together (except the spinach) and make sure you use just enough olive oil to lightly coat everything. Season with salt, pepper, paprika, and a tiny dash of roasted garlic purée. Roast in a 400 degree oven 20-30 minutes, or until everything is nicely browned. Served warmed and garnish with spinach. 

Roasted Chickpea Snack Attack!

Take your chickpeas and rinse them in some cold water. Toss them in olive oil and liberal amounts of salt and pepper. Not all of what you put on them is going to stick - which is why I said liberal amounts. It should be about 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and a few dashes of pepper. Sprinkle some paprika and/or toasted minced onion place on a sheet tray! 

400 degree oven for about 10-15 mins should do the trick. The chickpeas get crunchy on the outside, but stay soft on the inside. But be warned: they're more addicting than popcorn, so make sure you make yourself plenty. 


Monday, March 24, 2014

Olive and Spinach Salad

Spinach with olives and tomatoes. 

Balsamic vinaigrette:
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 
5 tablespoons canola 
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste 
1/2 garlic clove, minced 

Sautéed Mushrooms

Slice cremini mushrooms (or any type you prefer) and toss into a hot pan with some olive oil. Add salt and pepper. Sauté until lightly golden then add a splash of red wine. Reduce until you can no longer see the wine and enjoy !

Mushrooms are full of umami and help you to feel full. They're a great between meal snack. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Poached Tilapia with a Creamy Chickpea Sauce

Okay - when you hear cream sauce you immediately think, "unhealthy"!! This sauce is actually a delicious AND nutritious faux cream sauce. I was feeling protein deficient today, so I made myself some poached fish for lunch and to add more protein I made a sauce using chickpeas and skim milk. 

Chickpea Sauce:
1/2 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 
1/4 cup skim milk
5 caperberries, sliced into 4 or 5 slices 
1 tablespoon tomato sauce (or 1/4 plum tomato)
1 teaspoon roasted garlic purée 

I heated up the chickpeas on the stove with the milk and the garlic. I then put them in my ninja (blender/food processor) and puréed until silky smooth - about 4 minutes. I added the tomato and puréed again. The tomato was purely used for coloring. After smooth I put back on the stove and added the caperberries. I kept the sauce warm while I poached my fish. The sauce is thick and creamy because of the starch in the chickpeas and is also jam-packed with protein and nutrients. 

Poached Tilapia
1 filet tilapia 
1 pot of water (or chicken stock) enough to cover the fish 
1 onion
1 carrot 
1 celery stalk   

Heat up the water and add the onion (rough chop), celery, and carrot (also roughly chopped). I simmered my pot until the vegetable were soft then removed them. Add seasoning to your water (paprika, salt, and pepper is what I used). I cooled down the water to about 160 degrees - not simmering, but steaming a little at the top. Salt your fish on both sides.  Add your fish and let cook until done all the way through. By poaching you are not only eliminating oils from cooking, but some of the oils from the fish are released too. 

If you can't find any caperberries, don't panic. These odd little berries taste exactly the same as capers, so just substitute capers instead!

Enjoy your meal without the guilt that cream sauce normally leaves you with. And know that it's quite alright to soak up any extra sauce with bread! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Grapefruit Juice

1 grapefruit
1/4 Granny Smith apple 
1 handful blueberries

This sweet morning juice is good for making your metabolism higher! Grapefruit juice has been long accepted as a "diet" pal. Fat-busting acid is in every sip, and helps to curb appetite. 
By drinking 16 oz of juice before I eat my meal, I am already feeling full. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Garlic Hummus

I love hummus! And I love it even more when I make it. This is super simple to make: chickpeas, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, tahini, roasted garlic purée, and love. 

Purée chickpeas with tahini, roasted garlic, salt, pepper, and olive oil to consistency. I garnished with garlic browned in some olive oil. 

Fighting Illness Soup

Okay, so this soup is incredibly easy to make and amazingly delicious!  I make it every time I feel a cold coming on. Forget the turkey/chicken soup!  I like spice to warm up my body and help sweat out my diseases. I also enjoy avocado for its healthy fats and lime for the fat-busting acid. 

First take your favorite type of lentils. I used orange dal. Start simmering them in chicken or vegetable stock until they're nice and tender. I added canned tomato as soon as the lentils were done. I also threw in a Thai bird chili (add some heat!) and a handful of chickpeas. As soon as everything was all simmered together I added salt and pepper to taste and lime juice. I personally love lime, so I added excessive amounts. I finished my soup off with avocado that had been diced and tossed in lime juice. 

This soup takes (maybe) 20 minutes to make. It is simple and delicious. I don't feel guilty when I eat massive amounts of it either - which is important for me. I hate splurging and eating a whole lot of something then wishing I would throw up after because the guilt is so strong. If I am feeling like I deserve a treat I also crumble in tortilla chips. 

Satisfying Nutritious Lunch

Toasted baguette with some salt and pepper. 
Sautéed oyster mushrooms. 
Spinach and chickpeas with some balsamic vinegar. 
Avocado tossed in some lime juice. 

This massive lunch leaves me full for hours, while providing necessary nutrients. Avocado provides healthy fats and lime has fat-busting acid. Oyster mushrooms are full of umami and leave you feeling satisfied. Chickpeas are full of proteins and help lower your bad LDC cholesterol. Spinach makes you strong like Popeye! 

Cranberries and Hazelnuts

The perfect snack for curbing hunger! The sweetness of the dried cranberries satisfies my need for sugar and the fat from the hazelnuts leaves me feeling satisfied.  

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Escarole Spinach Salad

I tossed some escarole with romain and spinach. All greens that were laying around in my fridge. I whisked some red wine vinegar into a small amount of olive oil with some salt and pepper. I added some dried cranberries and toasted hazelnuts. 

The salad was filling, which is why I ate it before my pizza. After eating all of the salad I was only able to eat about half of the pizza. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Toasted English Muffin with Egg

1 egg cooked over easy in a tiny bit of olive oil
1 toasted English muffin 

194 calories!! And keeps me full all morning :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Green Eggs - hold the ham

These are my protein filled breakfast for the day. Normally I carb it up, but today I was craving protein. I took kale and spinach and puréed it with a small amount of skim milk. I whipped in 3 eggs and some salt and pepper. 

1/4 cup spinach 
1 leaf kale 
1/8 cup skim milk
3 eggs 
Salt and pepper to taste 
1/2 teaspoon roasted garlic purée 

Pre-Breakfast Snack

Before my pre-breakfast workout I eat a grapefruit. Working out on an empty stomach just isn't possible for me. So I normally have a small (or large) piece of fruit before I do my morning workout. I wait to have my giant breakfast after my workout :) 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Artichoke Garlic Tofu Noodles

1 package of tofu noodles 
2 plum tomatoes 
1 can artichokes 
1 tablespoon roasted garlic purée 
Olive oil 

Drizzle olive oil in pan and warm. Add garlic and tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes wilt. Add artichokes and cook 2-3 minutes. Throw in the noodles (after you remove the water) and cook until warm. 

This dish is made with tofu noodles, which is high in soy and low in calories. Delicious!

Egg Noodle Stir-Fry

Egg noodles 
Shitakii mushrooms 
Eggs cooked and shredded 
Soy sauce 
Olive oil 

Boil egg noodles until cooked (time varies depending on which noodles you use)
Sauté the vegetables in olive oil with scallions and garlic. The quantity really depends on preference. Add cooked noodles and cook until done (3 or 4 minutes). Season with soy sauce.  Garnish with shredded egg and peanuts. 

Garlic Bread

Italian bread, sliced in half lengthwise 
Garlic purée (see recipe on previous page)
2 tablespoons Butter 
Parmesan cheese 

Cut Italian bread in half. Spread garlic purée on inside of the Italian bread, keeping the purée smooth and level. Take butter and cut into small cubes, spreading evenly throughout bread. Rain Parmesan cheese down, covering the bread evenly. Place under the broiler until crispy and warm. Make sure all the butter is melted and the cheese starting to brown.

Eat warm! Enjoy!

Guacamole with Sweet Potato Chips

1 avocado 
1 1/2 limes 
1 plum tomato 
1 bunch cilantro, chiffonade 
Salt and pepper to taste 
1/4 red onion, minced small

Sweet potatoes, sliced thin on mandolin 

Bake sweet potatoes in 350 degree oven until crispy and light brown. They should be drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper. 

Clam Stuffed Portobello Mushroom

Portobello mushroom cap
Crab meat
Balsamic vinegar 

Toss portobello in some balsamic vinegar. Grill portobello mushroom until hot and soft. Chop clams and poach in some warm butter. Place sliced tomato and arugula on portobello. Drizzle with lemon juice. 

Button Mushroom Crab Bite

Cremini mushrooms, roasted 
Micro tat-soi or arugula 
Dungenous crab meat 
Tomato, sliced 
Lemon zest 
Lemon sour cream (sour cream mixed with lemon juice) 

Toss crab meat in lemon sour cream. Roast the mushrooms for about 10 - 15 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Place tomato slice on mushroom with Microgreens. Put crab salad on top and garnish with lemon zest. 


Hamachi Sashimi

Fish is full of amino acids and omega threes. Parsnip chips are a healthy, sweet alternative to potato chips that have been fried. Fish and avocado are smooth and creamy, so the chips provide a lovely texture balance.  Avocado is also full of healthy fats and is delicious ! 

5 slices hamachi 
Parsnip chips 
Avocado purée

To make the parsnip chips use a veg peeler to make strips. Drizzle olive oil and salt and pepper over parsnips. Bake in 300 degree oven until crispy. 

Avocado purée is made by blending avocado with lime and yuzu juice. Salt and pepper to taste! 

Drunken Oysters with Quail Eggs

This meal is rich in good fats and protein. Crustaceans and shellfish are high in iodine and amino acids, which is necessary for brain functions. This is not an every day meal, but good for a day you need a pick-me-up meal!

8 oysters 
8 quail eggs 
Olive oil 
Salt and pepper 
1 1/2 bottle beer (I used Sam Adams, but you can use your favorite type)

Put the beer in a sauté pan and bring to a boil. Place oysters in the pan and cover until they pop open. Remove from beer and set aside. Crack open your quail eggs and gently cook one side in a pan with some olive oil. Place 1 egg on top of each oyster before eating. Quail eggs are recommended because they are creamier and richer than chicken eggs (not to mention safer to eat raw or undercooked) 

Pan seared scallops are also in this picture. I took olive oil and heated it up and placed the scallops on the pan. Make sure you pat the scallops dry and add salt and pepper to each side! 

Enjoy !

Spinach Kale Banana Smoothie

1 whole banana
1/2 cup spinach 
1/4 cup kale 
1/2 cup skim milk 
1 scoop whey protein powder (vanilla flavored) 

Blend until fluffy and light! If you are unhappy with the sweetness level then you can add a honeycrisp apple or some strawberries. If your smoothie is too warm for your taste feel free to add a few ice cubes or fat free frozen yogurt! 

Kale Spinach Blueberry Pancakes

1/8 cup pancake mix
1/8 cup quick cooking oats 
1 handful blueberries 

1/8 cup milk
1/4 cup spinach 
1 large kale leaf 
1/2 banana     - purée all together in a blender 

Crab Salad Snack

Toasted flatbread
Dungenous Crab Meat 
Meyer lemon 
Sour cream (watered down with lemon)
Wasabi Microgreens 
Brown butter bits

The browned butter bits are made from taking some dried milk powder and adding them to melted butter. Cook until light brown and smelling of nuts. Remove as much butter as possible (I use a strainer). The butter you have is now clarified - which means it has a higher smoking point. You can use this butter to sauté at higher heat without worrying about your butter blackening. 

Toss your crab meat with browned butter bits and Meyer lemon juice. If you are unable to find wasabi Microgreens you can use cilantro chiffonade or cilantro Microgreens. Place on your toasted flatbread (or fried) and garnish with Microgreens. Place a dollop of your Lemon sour cream on top.

Enjoy !! 

Bruschetta with Chia Seeds

Toast (I used pullman's bread then drizzled olive oil and salt and pepper) 
Red onion 
Garlic cloves (see below)
Chia seeds 
Basil chiffonade 
Lime juice 
Balsamic reduction 

Chop tomatoes and red onions. Soak in the lime juice with smashed garlic and chia seeds overnight. Keep the garlic cloves whole, just smash them open to remove the juices. Leave the garlic overnight with the tomato and onion, but REMOVE before serving. You want the flavor but not the actual garlic. Add the balsamic and basil. 

Enjoy !

Chia Seed Invaded Caprese Salad

Basil, chiffonade 
Tomato, sliced thin
Mozzerella, fresh is preferable 
Chia seeds 
Balsamic reduction 

Chia seeds are incredibly healthy for you. They expand and absorb liquids which produces a proteinaceous mucus. They help you feel full longer by continuing to expand in your stomach. They are incredibly good for your memory and brain functions. Chia seeds also are full of fibers and help you to have regular digestive movements.