Monday, March 17, 2014

Fighting Illness Soup

Okay, so this soup is incredibly easy to make and amazingly delicious!  I make it every time I feel a cold coming on. Forget the turkey/chicken soup!  I like spice to warm up my body and help sweat out my diseases. I also enjoy avocado for its healthy fats and lime for the fat-busting acid. 

First take your favorite type of lentils. I used orange dal. Start simmering them in chicken or vegetable stock until they're nice and tender. I added canned tomato as soon as the lentils were done. I also threw in a Thai bird chili (add some heat!) and a handful of chickpeas. As soon as everything was all simmered together I added salt and pepper to taste and lime juice. I personally love lime, so I added excessive amounts. I finished my soup off with avocado that had been diced and tossed in lime juice. 

This soup takes (maybe) 20 minutes to make. It is simple and delicious. I don't feel guilty when I eat massive amounts of it either - which is important for me. I hate splurging and eating a whole lot of something then wishing I would throw up after because the guilt is so strong. If I am feeling like I deserve a treat I also crumble in tortilla chips. 

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