Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Drunken Oysters with Quail Eggs

This meal is rich in good fats and protein. Crustaceans and shellfish are high in iodine and amino acids, which is necessary for brain functions. This is not an every day meal, but good for a day you need a pick-me-up meal!

8 oysters 
8 quail eggs 
Olive oil 
Salt and pepper 
1 1/2 bottle beer (I used Sam Adams, but you can use your favorite type)

Put the beer in a sauté pan and bring to a boil. Place oysters in the pan and cover until they pop open. Remove from beer and set aside. Crack open your quail eggs and gently cook one side in a pan with some olive oil. Place 1 egg on top of each oyster before eating. Quail eggs are recommended because they are creamier and richer than chicken eggs (not to mention safer to eat raw or undercooked) 

Pan seared scallops are also in this picture. I took olive oil and heated it up and placed the scallops on the pan. Make sure you pat the scallops dry and add salt and pepper to each side! 

Enjoy !

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