Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Apple Tuna Tartare

Apple (Granny Smith) 
Sushi grade tuna 
Quail egg (boiled for 3 minutes then shocked in ice water) 
Avocado purée with lime and salt 
Smashed toasted pistachio 

You can use a chicken egg if you cannot find quail eggs, or you can always crack a raw egg on top of the tuna, which is my personal favorite variation. 

The avocado is puréed in the blender with lime and salt and pepper to taste. I always use a lime and a half for each whole avocado, but I love lime!!  

After you peel your egg cut in half or quarters. Squeeze your avocado purée on top using a piping bag or a ziplock that you cut a corner off of. Garnish with your roasted, chopped pistachios!

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